I am from Austria, and German is my first language. So why am I butting in? :) Because I lived in København as a kid, and did travel through all the Nordic countries.


The European Union is a supranational union composed of 28 member states. The combined total English-speaking population (2012) is 256,876,220 (out of a total population of 500,000,000, i.e. 51%) including 65,478,252 native speakers and 191,397,968 non-native speakers, and would be ranked 2nd if it were included.

212 Silverback Drive. California Springs CA 92926. Common Swedish phrases for transportation. Most places in Sweden have excellent public transportation (kollektivtrafik),which is widely used.It is generally easy to navigate the public transit system, and even though most transportation information is also posted in English, a few key Swedish phrases could be helpful in your journey. 2014-03-11 · Swedish diphthongs may look strange but they are all equivalents of English diphthongs.

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English is a crutch. You need to practice Swedish all day, everyday. By deliberately choosing an English-speaking position, you’re missing out on the best opportunity to really accelerate your Swedish. If you take an English-speaking job, you’re not going to get to use your Swedish. The French can speak English with you but they don’t want to. The Swedes only want to speak English with you. As soon as you say “hej” (hello) or “jag heter…” (my name is…) with the slightest bit of an accent, they get this surprised look on their faces and switch to English.

My girlfrend is Swedish so this was my first reason to learn. I lived in Stockholm for 7 months and didn’t speak much. I was too happy with people wanting to be polite and speaking english for me.

The French can speak English with you but they don’t want to. The Swedes only want to speak English with you. As soon as you say “hej” (hello) or “jag heter…” (my name is…) with the slightest bit of an accent, they get this surprised look on their faces and switch to English. “Oh, hello!

The teaching, through English, follows the Swedish curriculum and the students in ESS are also taught the Swedish language as a subject. The  Introducing yourself in Swedish is very similar to an English introduction. is rarely used unless asking someone who was known to have been sick or feeling Speaking of deposits (pant), expect a deposit to be added to  1,977.

Swedish sentence structure, like English, tends to be subject-verb-object based. That means when a Swedish person speaks “bad” English, you can get the gist of what they’re saying, despite mistakes in word order.

Swedish Svenska. Swedish-speaking Finnish writer (19 th) The Swedish Phrases for Meeting and Greeting will lead you to the Swedish Dialog at the end, which shows how these survival phrases are used in conversational Swedish. Single click on the phrase to hear the Swedish pronunciation spoken by a native Swedish speaker. Take advantage of this Swedish language resource as you learn to speak Swedish! Swedish is distinguished by its prosody that includes both word stress and tone.

The sound ng is always pronounced with a soft g, as in the word “bling.” Also, as in Latin and German, the letter j is always pronounced like our y. I went on to work on projects translating text from Swedish to English, and as a freelance writer, speaking Swedish allowed me to communicate with interviewees on their own terms. But I never quite reached perfection. I think it’s physically impossible for my lips to form the right shape to correctly pronounce the Swedish word for seven: sju. Translation for 'person' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish translations. A large section of the Swedish population speaks English. The language is most commonly spoken by the younger generations who were born after the Second World War. The trade links of Sweden with English-speaking nations, the strong American influence, overseas travel to English-speaking countries, and cultural interchange have increased the popularity of English in Sweden.
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There are two patterns. FACTS ABOUT SWEDEN / THE SWEDISH LANGUAGE sharingsweden.se The national language of Sweden is Swedish. It is the mother tongue of approximately 8 million of the country’s total population of almost 10 million.

The teaching, through English, follows the Swedish curriculum and the students in ESS are also taught the Swedish language as a subject. The  Introducing yourself in Swedish is very similar to an English introduction. is rarely used unless asking someone who was known to have been sick or feeling Speaking of deposits (pant), expect a deposit to be added to  1,977.
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6 months) Speak fluent Finish as well as good English or Swedish WHAT CAN WE OFFER YOU? - a flexible, fun and developing part-time job; - competitive 

Swedish is also spoken by around 300,000 Finland Swedes, 25,000 of whom live on the Swedish-speaking Åland islands. Hitta svar på 'Dear Sir/Madam, i was wondering maybe there is a possibility to get a job for a person who is speaking in english language (without knowing swedish language)? And if the answer is yes, what kind of job it will be? Best regards, Greta' från anställda på H&M. Få svar på dina viktigaste frågor om olika företag på Indeed.

Swedish sentence structure, like English, tends to be subject-verb-object based. That means when a Swedish person speaks “bad” English, you can get the gist of what they’re saying, despite mistakes in word order.

5. Mars A very high proportion of the Swedish population (close to 90%) can speak English very fluently, and you will have no problems conversing with people in English in Stockholm or anywhere else in Sweden. You will not need to speak Swedish for any trip there. Find out more about the greatest Swedes, including Avicii, Alicia Vikander, Rebecca Ferguson, Jenny Lind and PewDiePie. Skägget i brevlådan – Caught with your beard in the letterbox. “While their English-speaking cousins are messing around getting their hands stuck in cookie jars, Swedes are getting their beards caught in letterboxes.

Those who go onto secondary education and perhaps higher education (university), will learn or use English well into their twenties.