The Minnesota Fire Marshal says investigators are looking for persons of interest who could advance arson investigations happening at St.Paul businesses set on fire in last week's civil unrest.


ATF is also offering a $10,000 reward—$5,000 each—for information on Jose Felan Jr. and his girlfriend, Mena Dyaha Yosif, who were captured on a viral video during the riots in St. Paul. Felan

If you recognize him, email or 2020-02-22 · The St. Cloud Fire Department and the ATF’s St. Paul division asked for help from the National Response Team, because of the size of the building and the amount of damage. ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A massive blaze that destroyed a hotel project under construction in downtown St. Paul was arson, authorities said. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announced that determination Tuesday, along with the St. Paul Fire Department, St. Paul Police Department and Minnesota state fire marshal’s division.

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2020-06-15 · ATF is looking to identify this man who was caught on surveillance camera at Springboard for the Arts in St. Paul, Minn., during the recent unrest. If you recognize him, email or

PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A massive blaze that destroyed a hotel project under construction in downtown St. Paul was arson, authorities said.

fartyg, hvilka vanligen också i andra afseenden lemna åt- båt öfver detta till hamn i Wisconsin eller Minnesota. Den väl redigerade FARM AND FIRE-.

These cases are being investigated by the ATF with the help of law enforcement and fire department agencies in Minneapolis and St. Paul along with the state fire marshal, the FBI, the U.S. Postal 2020-06-19 ST. PAUL, MINN. — A massive blaze that destroyed a hotel project under construction in downtown St. Paul was arson, authorities said.

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Special ATF team in St. Paul to help determine cause of construction project fire By Tim Harlow, Star Tribune 8/6/2020 New York City high schools to resume in-person classes, sports

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Investigators have determined a massive blaze that destroyed a hotel project under construction in downtown St. Paul was arson A second team will be working with the St. Paul Police and Fire Departments to investigate around 35 fires. The Minnesota State Fire Marshal will be participating in the investigations as well. ST. PAUL, Minn.