VERKSAMHETSBERÄTTELSE. FÖR FMCK MALMÖ. VERKSAMHETSARET 1999-01-01 I 1999-12-31. - med ordonnans kommer det fram!


Signerad Walter Niedermayr och numrerad 1/6 och daterad 1999 a tergo. C-print 103 x 130 cm inkl ram per del.

ADMINISTRATIVE Notice 99–10, page 16. Low-income housing tax credit.Resident population fig-ures for the various states for determining the 1999 calen-dar year (1) state housing credit ceiling under section 42(h) of the Code, and (2) private activity bond volume cap under section 146 of the Code are reproduced. Internal Revenue bulletin 1999 Feb;9(2):179-94. doi: 10.1006/nimg.1998.0395. Authors A M Dale 1 , B Fischl, M I Sereno.

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