hoppa translation in Dutch - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'hoop',hopen',homeopathie',homeopatisch', examples, definition, conjugation
Check 'hoppa' translations into English. Look through examples of hoppa translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
hoppa (also: hoppa in, hoppa över, kliva in, skutta, kliva ur, hoppa ur, hoppa på ett ben) volume_up. to hop [ hopped|hopped] {vb} more_vert. open_in_new Link to OpenSubtitles. warning Request revision. Hoppa is the transfer comparison site for you, helping you find whatever you need to always arrive happy.
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Startpage Education Research About the department. Essays in english topics. How to write a good sat essay intro. Essay about the most important qualities of a good teacher, essay on environmental pollution and för 2 dagar sedan — Hoppa till innehåll.
Need the translation of "Hoppade" in English but even don't know the meaning? Use Translate.com to cover it all. Contextual translation of "hopa" into English.
För att använda en idrottsmetafor skulle jag vilja säga att vi borde sätta upp ett hinder för turkarna att hoppa över. I would say, using an allusion to sport, that we should set a hurdle for the Turks to jump over. hoppa över (även: hoppa, agera mycket snabbt) volume_up. to leap {vb}
(beim Stolpern, Zusammenstoßen, Fangen etc) whoops, oops; (beim Zuwerfen) catch. hoppla, jetzt habe ich die richtige Idee!
dict.cc English-Swedish Dictionary: Translation for att hoppa.
Hoppa över intro. Hoppa över eftertexter. Just nu på IKEA. Hoppa över listan.
draai. Danish. WordSense Dictionary: hoppa över - ✓ meaning, ✓ definition. (impf), пропусти́ть (pf) Spanish: saltear Swedish: skippa, hoppa över skip - not to attend
Contextual translation of "hoppade" into English. Human translations with examples: passed, skipped %1, skipped file %1. Hoppa högst (English: Jump the highest) is a 30-minute-long Swedish children's film. The first screening of Hoppa högst at a theater was in Sergels torg,
It is just a matter of jumping.
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Example Sentences: Hoppa inte i vattnet - det är farligt. Don't jump into Swedish-English dictionary.
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4 apr. 2018 — Helsingfors - framsidan · Suomi | English | Andra språk Öppna Stadscykelsäsongen har startat - Hoppa på cykeln! 04.04.2018 09:18.
ENSVEnglish Swedish translations for hoppa. Search term hoppa has 10 results. Jump toSwedish » English hoppa English Meaning Translation Tradução de significado Swedish hoppa Translate Traduzir & answer the question, "What is the Meaning of - Meaning in Need to translate "hoppa" from Swedish? Here are 9 possible meanings. English Translation. jump. More meanings for hoppa Look up the German to Swedish translation of alle hoppa in the PONS online dictionary.
hoppa meaning in English » DictZone Swedish-English dictionary.
Contextual translation of "hoppa" into English. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory.
… MerMindre. Helpful What does Hoppade på chansen mean in English?