Benevolent definition: If you describe a person in authority as Benevolent, you mean that they are kind and Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 45. Synonyms for Benevolent in Free Thesaurus


Benevolent Meaning in Hindi is Paropkārī परोपकारी. Explore Urdupoint dictionary to find out more meanings, definitions, synonyms and antonyms of the word Benevolent.

: organized to do good things for other people. A benevolent dictatorship is a government in which an authoritarian leader exercises absolute political power over the state but is perceived to do so with regard for benefit of the population as a whole, standing in contrast to the decidedly malevolent stereotype of a dictator who focuses on their supporters and self-interests.A benevolent dictator may allow for some civil liberties or Webster Dictionary (3.60 / 5 votes) Rate this definition: Benevolent (adj) having a disposition to do good; possessing or manifesting love to mankind, and a desire to promote their prosperity and happiness; disposed to give to good objects; kind; charitable. Wishing or doing good. Used on the film "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay" when Kumar in a whore house.He calls 2 prostitutes benevolent. They think it means to fuck a person so hard that their dick is going to be sore for 2 weeks. ️ LEARN 20 WORDS does Benevolent mean?

Benevolent meaning

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4. generous in assistance to the poor. Benevolence is an act of kindness or an inclination to be kind. It's the quality of someone who volunteers in a soup kitchen, tutors children for free, and helps old ladies cross the street. Helping your grandmother with her groceries is an act of benevolence — as long as she doesn’t pay you a dollar per bag.

benevolent - intending or showing kindness; "a benevolent society".

Benevolence , so wålwilja , godhet , Besmeár , Besmírch , v . a , besmorja , gåfma . nediudota . Benevolent , a . målwillig , tillgifien , Besmoke , w.a. berdfa 

Meaning and definitions of benevolent, translation in Swahili language for  Jan 2, 2020 Answer: The word omnibenevolent comes from the Latin word omni, meaning “all ,” and the word benevolent, meaning “good” or “charitable. Benevolent Sexism Definition Benevolently sexist attitudes suggest that women are purer and nicer than men, but also mentally weaker and less capable . Benevolent Definition and Meaning with Examples.

The definition of benevolent is enjoying helping others or someone whose primary characteristic is being warm or friendly.

generous in assistance to the poor. What does benevolent leadership mean? The original meaning of the word benevolent comes from the Latin 'bene' and 'volent' which together mean “ wishing  Webster dictionary was developed by Noah Webster in the beginning of 19th century. On this website, you can find definition for benevolent from the 1913  Jun 16, 2020 Benevolence is an exotic word that simply means something pretty simple.

/bəˈnevələnt/. jump to other results. (formal) (especially of people in authority) kind, helpful and generous.
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Dec 17, 2018 I was looking for a word to denote a meaning of neutrality that pairs between Benevolent and Malevolent. In my search I was surprised to learn  Feb 25, 2017 (We know what that person means, and so do Rose and Chris.) Chris endures it all with a smile that seems born of years of having to put up with  Oct 27, 2018 Hello Bright Light! And Happy October!
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benevolent. adjective. /bəˈnevələnt/. /bəˈnevələnt/. jump to other results. (formal) (especially of people in authority) kind, helpful and generous. a benevolent smile/attitude. belief in the existence of a benevolent god. a benevolent dictatorship.

#words #books #literature #photooftheday #school #definition #instagram”. 12 Likes, 1 Merriam-Webster on Instagram: “'Benevolent' is the #wordoftheday . av EL Grantén · 2003 · Citerat av 4 — A care-pattern is defined as the giver of the benevolent act having a relation to the receiver. A cost-pattern is defined as the giver receiving reciprocation of the  are forgetting the true meaning of "charity" in the constant endeavour to take advantage of organized benevolent institutions, about the actual working of which  Om oss Kontakt Vanliga frågor Cookiepolicy Sekretessinställningar. Uttalsljuden tillhandahålls av Macmillan Dictionary - Online english Dictionary and Thesaurus. Köp boken A Benevolent Virus av Frances O'Brien (ISBN 9781846944321) hos an ex-Marine who was near-fatally injured in Fallujah, tries to find meaning in  Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: agapé Phonetic Spelling: (ag-ah'-pay) Short Definition: love Definition: love, benevolence, good will, esteem.

benevolent (Adjective) Possessing or manifesting love for mankind. Etymology: bene + volo. benevolent (Adjective) Having a disposition to do good. Etymology: bene + volo. benevolent (Adjective) altruistic or charitable. Etymology: bene + volo. benevolent (Adjective) generous. Etymology: bene + volo.

: kind and generous. a benevolent company/government. a gift from a benevolent donor. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 2. : organized to do good things for other people. A benevolent dictatorship is a government in which an authoritarian leader exercises absolute political power over the state but is perceived to do so with regard for benefit of the population as a whole, standing in contrast to the decidedly malevolent stereotype of a dictator who focuses on their supporters and self-interests.A benevolent dictator may allow for some civil liberties or Webster Dictionary (3.60 / 5 votes) Rate this definition: Benevolent (adj) having a disposition to do good; possessing or manifesting love to mankind, and a desire to promote their prosperity and happiness; disposed to give to good objects; kind; charitable.

Definition of benevolent in the Dictionary. Meaning of benevolent. What does benevolent mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word benevolent. Benevolent meaning in Urdu: خیرات دینے والا - Kherat dainay wala meaning, Definition Synonyms at English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate urdu translation and meanings of Benevolent and Kherat dainay wala Meaning. benevolent - Meaning in Konkani, what is meaning of benevolent in Konkani dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of benevolent in Konkani and English.