21 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 is a 6 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 3,800 sqft single-family home built in 1960. This property is not currently available for sale. 21 Almroth Dr was last sold on Jan 17, 2019 for $610,000. The current Trulia Estimate for 21 Almroth Dr is $685,086.
Northern refrigeration is located in Passaic County of New Jersey state. On the street of Almroth Drive and street number is 15. To communicate or ask something with the place, the Phone number is (973) 580-8070. You can get more information from their website.
18 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 is a 4 bed, 3 bath house sold for $588,000 on 11/7/19. MLS# 1919496. See the Walk Score of 15 Almroth Drive, Wayne NJ. View map of nearby restaurants, parks, and schools. See photos of 07470. View 1 photos for 18 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 a 4 bed, 3 bath, 0.5 acres.
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Facts and features Edit The description and property data below may’ve been provided by a third party, the homeowner or public records. This is a 2784 square foot, single family home. This home is located at 7 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470. Facts and features Edit 15 Almroth Dr , Wayne, NJ 07470-2614 is currently not for sale. The sq. ft.
This home was built in 1967 and last sold on 11/7/2019 for $588,000.
21 Almroth Dr , Wayne, NJ 07470-2614 is currently not for sale. The 3,800 sq. ft. single-family home is a 6 bed, 4.0 bath property. This home was built in 1960 and last sold on 1/17/2019 for $610,000. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow.
18 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 is a 4 bed, 3 bath house sold for $588,000 on 11/7/19. MLS# 1919496. See the Walk Score of 15 Almroth Drive, Wayne NJ. View map of nearby restaurants, parks, and schools. See photos of 07470.
The description and property data below may’ve been provided by a third party, the homeowner or public records. This is a 2412 square foot, single family home. This home is located at 4 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470. Facts and features Edit
The average property tax on Almroth Dr is $14,046/yr and the average house or building was built in 1966.
MLS# 1919496. Sold - 18 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ - $588,000. View details, map and photos of this single family property with 4 bedrooms and 3 total baths. MLS# 1919496. 10 almroth drive: wayne, nj 07470: block 2104, lot 10 11 almroth dr: matash, sophie 11 almroth dr: wayne, n j 07470: block 2104, lot 15 12 ruskin court: nourse jonathan & jaclyn 12 ruskin court: wayne nj 07470: block 2104, lot 9 15 almroth dr: abhyankar dushyant & hrishita 15 almroth dr: wayne nj 000000000
15 ALMROTH DR is Block 2104, Lot 9 in Wayne, NJ. 15 ALMROTH DR is a Residential (4 Families or less) property with 1089 sq/ft of space.
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537, 2002, 2970, 1, Almroth, Thure: Det röda klotet.
21 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 is a 6 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 3,800 sqft single-family home built in 1960. This property is not currently available for sale. 21 Almroth Dr was last sold on Jan 17, 2019 for $610,000. The current Trulia Estimate for 21 Almroth Dr is $685,086.
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Home value report for 18 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470. View on Homes.com as well as property record details, price history, local schools and refinance offers.
Find people by address using reverse address lookup for 26 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470.
View 24 photos for 21 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 a bed, bath, 2,866 Sq. Ft. single family home built in 1966 that sold on 01/17/2019.
21 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 is a single family home built 11 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 is a single family home built in 1966. According to the Wayne public records, the property at 11 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 has approximately 1,974 square feet 15 Almroth Dr , Wayne, NJ 07470-2614 is currently not for sale. The sq. ft.
This home was built in 1967 and last sold on 11/7/2019 for $588,000. Almroth Drive, Wayne, New Jersey All Addresses This is a list of addresses in Almroth Drive, Wayne with information about local companies or construction work going on there View 24 photos for 21 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 a bed, bath, 2,866 Sq. Ft. single family home built in 1966 that sold on 01/17/2019. View 1 photos for 26 Almroth Dr, Wayne, NJ 07470 a bed, bath, 2,412 Sq. Ft. single family home built in 1967. An extensive Split-level property at 22 Almroth Drive, Wayne, New Jersey.