Detta mynt producerades 1875 till 1878 och avbröts eftersom det såg mycket ut som kvartalet. Sittande Baksidan av en sittande frihet Half Dime, daterad 1857.


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Above. Fine. $30.00. SKU:7322.

1875 dime

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Very Good. $15.00. SKU:6075. 1 in stock. Add to cart. SKU  The Seated Liberty CC silver dime had mintages comprising only about 10% of the complete series.

1875 seated liberty dime 10c high grade details good date us silver coin cc6251. 1875 silver seated liberty dime.

Dimes eller tio cent stycken var också en av de första mynt som gjordes i i tre år (1875-1878) och godkändes av en kongresshandling den 3 mars 1875.

1871-CC Seated Liberty Dime (G-4 Condition) The 1871-CC Liberty Seated Dime was the first U.S. dime coined at the Carson City Mint. It rates as one of the great rarities of the Seated Liberty Dime series of 1837-91. However, when compared to the Rare Coin Values Index, it falls below average.

Detailed information about the coin 1 Dime "Seated Liberty Dime" (w/o stars, date arrows removed), 1875 CC, 4,645,000, 4%, KM#A92 Mintmark in wreath 

0,00 kr. 50 öre. 1943–1961 *.

6751. Dess hastiga och ofantliga utbredning pä alla de stäl-. Ritter von Kristelli, född 26 november 1802 i Olmütz, död 15 april 1875 i Wien, John Harper som den 13 juli 1792 levererade de första 1500 half dimes, eller  Vilket år blev enkronorssedeln med tryckår 1874-1875 och 1914-1921 ogiltig? 1987 1957 1937 Vad kallas 10-centmyntet i USA? Dime Penny Quarter Nickel  Commission Regulation (EC) No 1875/2006 of 18 December 2006 amending i kommissionens förordning (EG) nr 1875/2006 av den 18 december 2006 om  自 由 女 神10 美 分 硬 币 "(" 1837 - 38 DIME SEATED LIBERTY NO STARS Gift 1 ) 5 maj 1896 i Köpenhamn med prinsessan Louise av Danmark ( 1875 - . ett par häften sånger och visor. Efter en utländsk resa 1875‒76 publicerade Dime [dejm], silfvermynt i Nord-Amerikas Förenta stater = 1/10 doll., 10 cents  U.S.A., KM 113 Dime 1892 XF-UNC.
Forlang brak

UPDATE: On September 6, 2019 this same 1975 Roosevelt dime sold for $456,000 at auction. Then, less than 1 week later, it traded hands in a private transaction to a wealthy Roosevelt dime collector for $516,000.

Be sure to visit our Seated Liberty Dime Forum if you need help. Also please visit our Seated Liberty Dime Grading Forum to help you establish a grade for your Seated Liberty Dime. Find great deals on eBay for 1875 dimes. Shop with confidence.
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2019-08-30 · Seated Liberty Dimes. 1875 10C MS. NGC Universal ID: 23AC. The NGC Universal ID is a four digit alphanumeric that groups coins based on a unique combination of date, mintmark, denomination and striking process (MS, PF, or SP). These IDs are a simple organization of all coins prior to variety attribution and grading.

In uncirculated condition the price is around $150 for coins with an MS 60 grade. Home > 1875 > Liberty Seated Dimes 1875 Seated Liberty Dime has estimated the 1875 Seated Liberty Dime value at an average of $12.00, one in certified mint state (MS+) could be worth $240. 1875 CC United States Seated Liberty Silver Dime 10c Cent Collector Coin 3LD7537. $26.00. 7 bids. $3.29 shipping.

The 1875 dime with no mint mark is worth around $15 in good condition. In very fine condition the value is around $25 and in extremely fine condition the value is around $35. In uncirculated condition the price is around $150 for coins with an MS 60 grade.

1875 Gallery · The Dime Horseshoe Bar · Crook County Museum · Higbee's Cafe · Longhorn Saloon & Grill · Maw & Paw Barr-B-Q. Universidad de Oriente (UNIVO). San Miguel, El Salvador. instituto nacional 14 de julio de 1875. San Francisco Gotera, Morazan. Nuvarande ort och hemort.

1874 , 1875 .