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A good way to counter him is to plan ahead and charge your Q in time to cancel his E dash, this can shutdown his combo pretty hard as Urgot usually plans his whole combo around his E, especially his ult. Urgot has very low mobility, so he is very vulnerable to ganks.
s11 Top Singed build guides, counters, guide, pro builds Singed Counters. Urgot Counters :: Counter Picking Stats for Urgot by Urgot Counters :: Counter Singed Counters, Builds and more - League of Legends GURU. Best Clash Team Urgot Counters :: Counter Picking Stats for Urgot by Urgot Counters TFT Patch 10.14 to feature Star Guardian shake-up, Urgot . TFT Urgot - Teamfight Tactics Assistant Urgot Counters :: Counter Picking Stats for Urgot by .
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Log in with your SoloMid account Email address Password Forgot password? Learn all the tips for countering Urgot when playing as Urgot and dominate your line with guru counter plays that will cause your opponent to rage quit. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. Urgot Counters - LoLalytics has the best Urgot Top vs Top Counters for Patch 11.7. LoLalytics analyses millions of LoL matches on Patch 11.7 for the best Urgot LoL counter matchups.
Galio +. Fiddlesticks - Nidalee Rumble TFT Patch 10.14 to feature Star Guardian shake-up, Urgot . TFT Urgot - Teamfight Tactics Assistant Urgot Counters :: Counter Picking Stats for Urgot by .
43,116 24,130. Total Wins in the Top Lane. 15,333. VS in Top. not enough data. Counter Kills. 46%. 54%. Champion Kills.
The following items have to be used against Urgot, to have a better confrontation. Zhonyas We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … 2020-06-05 The most commonly encountered champions Urgot counters against hardest top versus top is Yone, Sylas & Poppy. While Urgot is countered hardest in commonly encountered matchups by Illaoi, Maokai & Kled. Below is a detailed breakdown of Urgot counters for top versus top with a minimum of 100 games.
Los pick counters de Urgot son los campeones con CC o que puedan hostigar a Urgot para evitar que escale rápidamente, de manera que a continuación te enseñamos campeones que en el “ early game ” pueden sacar ventaja al enfrentar a Urgot.
313. Destroying Urgot's shield will prevent him from applying a slow to his auto attacks and Acid Hunters. Report. 305. Save your dash/jump ability for when he throws out his grenade. Report.
Created with Highcharts 4.2.3. 28 th 33 rd 33 rd 41 st 42 nd 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 10.20 0% 1% 2%. Nami can stop the Urgot with his Q or R to neutralize him and thus kill him on the computer. He can also heal his allies with his W ability, so that Urgot doesn’t crush his allies when they reach the hundredth of life. Items that counter Urgot. The following items have to be used against Urgot, to have a better confrontation. Zhonyas
43,116 24,130.
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305. Save your dash/jump ability for when he throws out his grenade. Report.
Check Urgot's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. Build guides for Urgot on ProGuides.
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43,116 24,130. Total Wins in the Top Lane. 15,333. VS in Top. not enough data. Counter Kills. 46%. 54%. Champion Kills.
46%. 54%. Champion Kills. Urgot Counter & Lane Matchups Counter picking is key to winning from champ select.
Urgot has to counter Viego in 33.1% of his games. Urgot has done a good job of beating Viego. Typically, Urgot wins a terrific 53.0% of matches the champs face one another in. In Urgot against Viego matches, Urgot’s team is 1.0% more likely to obtain first blood.
VS in Top. not enough data.
Patch 11.7 2020-06-05 Build guides for Urgot on ProGuides. Find Urgot builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. Use the Urgot guide on ProGuides to find Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, and Play Rate. Matchup Stats Matchup Stats; 36.27% Lane Kill Rate: 63.73% 1.75 : 1 KDA: 2.13 : 1 38.3% Kill Participation: 38.9% 17,357 Damage Dealt to Champions League of Legends champion Urgot counters, stats, pro builds, skins, splash art and rankings. Discover LoL champion statistics for Urgot. Matchup Stats Matchup Stats; 57.60% Lane Kill Rate: 42.40% 2.10 : 1 KDA: 1.81 : 1 40.1% Kill Participation: 40.8% 17,518 Damage Dealt to Champions Best Urgot Counters, Matchups, win rate, early and late game Urgot counter picks, challenger Urgot tips & tricks & counter tips Urgot Top counters and matchup statistics including win rates and play rates of all opponents in lane or anywhere in the game.