Copperstone Resources AB is a mineral exploration company. The Company primarily prospects for base minerals in Sweden.


Copperstone Resources AB ("Copperstone" eller "Bolaget") offentliggör att Bolagets prospekteringsaktivitet vid D-zonen av Viscaria kopparprojekt har resulterat i en uppgradering av de indikerade kopparresurserna i D-zonen om +36%, med en kopparhalt som stigit till 1,33% från 1,20% vid senaste uppskattningen av mineralresurser år 2015*.

Samtliga beslut fattades enhälligt. Copperstone Resources, Arvidsjaur. 367 likes. Copperstone Resources AB is a base and precious metals exploration company that was founded in 2006 and is listed on Nasdaq First North Stockholm. Mineral resource inventory report – Viscaria D zone Nov 2020 3 1.0 PERC STANDARD COMPLIANCE AND COMPETENCY Mineral resource estimation of the Viscaria project D zone was completed between July 2020 and November 2020. Mineral resource inventory was completed fully by Copperstone Resources AB with a team of people with Publiceringsdatum Utgivare Person i ledande ställning Befattning Närstående Karaktär Instrumentnamn ISIN Transaktionsdatum Volym Volymsenhet Pris Valuta In order to design, create, or provide a product or service, it takes technological resources to make it happen.

Copperstone resources

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Bolagets  Get today's Copperstone Resources AB stock price and latest COPPb news as well as Copperstone Resources AB real-time stock quotes, technical analysis, full   4 dec 2020 Copperstone Resources med VD Michael Mattsson och ordförande Jörgen Olsson presenterar vid ABGSC Investor Day 2 december 2020. 28. sep 2018 Founded in 2006, Copperstone Resources is a Swedish mineral exploration company (base and precious metals). 5 Jan 2021 Hannes Snellman has advised Copperstone Resources AB (publ), a mineral exploration company focused on base and precious metal  Copperstone Resources AB | 1 013 följare på LinkedIn. Metals that matter | Copperstone is a Swedish exploration company formed 2006. During 2019, the  Copperstone Holdings.

Ashleigh Melanko; 22 March 2021 11:30. KGL Resources (ASX:KGL) - Executive Chairman, Denis Wood - The Market. Win clients for life with Copper CRM software solutions.

Kiruna March 10, 2021 Copperstone Resources AB:s board member Malcolm Norris has informed the company of his resignation from the board with immediate effect. Malcolm Norris has been on the board of Copperstone since 2018, representing Sunstone Metals Limited.

Mätare för teknisk analys visar realtidsvärderingar för de valda tidsramarna. Sammanfattningen för COPPERSTONE RESOURCES AB SER. B baseras på de populäraste tekniska indikatorerna ‒ glidande medelvärden, oscillatorer och pivoter. Resultaten kan visas i en snabböversikt. Copperstone Resources AB (publ) (”Copperstone” eller ”Bolaget”) har idag den 15 december 2020 kl.

copperstone resources: tar in 24 mln kr i tvÅ nyemissioner STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Gruvprospekteringsbolaget Copperstone Resources har tillförts sammanlagt 24 miljoner kronor före emissionskostnader genom två

Klik her for at følge aktiekursen i realtid. 1 Sep 2017 Copperstone Resources AB appointed Chris McKnight as CEO, effective Sept. 1. McKnight, who has over 30 years of exploration and  10 Nov 2017 COPPERSTONE RESOURCES AB: AWARD OF EVA K NO. 1 EXPLOITATION CONCESSION. Copperstone Resources AB (“Copperstone” or  12 Mar 2018 As Copperstone Resources strengthens itself digitally the company has partnered up with web agency Wasabi Web. Copperstone for sustainable production of copper copper resources Viscaria* and clearly has the largest sources of iron ore in Europe – the Kiruna mine.

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Största delen av verksamheten utgår ifrån projekt som bedrivs inom Bergslagen. Bolagets långsiktiga strategiska vision är att skapa ett väletablerat mineralbolag genom investeringar i prospekteringsbranschen. Copperstone Resources AB (publ),556704-4168 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status Copperstone Resources AB ("Copperstone" eller "Bolaget") offentliggör att Bolagets prospekteringsaktivitet vid D-zonen av Viscaria kopparprojekt har resulterat i en uppgradering av de indikerade kopparresurserna i D-zonen om +36%, med en kopparhalt som stigit till 1,33% från 1,20% vid senaste uppskattningen av mineralresurser år 2015*. Aktien Copperstone Resources B med ISIN-beteckning SE0001915190.

Copperstone Resources AB (publ),556704-4168 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status Copperstone Resources AB ("Copperstone" eller "Bolaget") offentliggör att Bolagets prospekteringsaktivitet vid D-zonen av Viscaria kopparprojekt har resulterat i en uppgradering av de indikerade kopparresurserna i D-zonen om +36%, med en kopparhalt som stigit till 1,33% från 1,20% vid senaste uppskattningen av mineralresurser år 2015*. Aktien Copperstone Resources B med ISIN-beteckning SE0001915190.
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Copperstone Resources, Arvidsjaur. 385 likes. Copperstone Resources AB is a base and precious metals exploration company that was founded in 2006 and is

It can be a long snippet, a short snippet, whatever you prefer the size of card and description to be.This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. Copperstone Resources AB is an exploration company that was founded in 2006. In 2019, the Viscaria deposit in Kiruna, Sweden , was acquired and thus the company’s strategy was revised. The goal is to become a modern and responsibly producing mining company through … The Copperstone Resources AB (publ) PE ratio based on its reported earnings over the past 12 months is 0.101k.The shares are currently trading at SEK0.897.. The PE ratio (or price-to-earnings ratio) is the one of the most popular valuation measures used by stock market investors. The mining industry in Sweden has a history of more than 6,000 years. Historically, Sweden’s most famous mine is the Falun Copper Mine in Dalarna.

The information contained in this section of Copperstone Resources AB’s (publ) (“Copperstone”) website is not intended for, and must not be accessed by, or distributed or disseminated, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to persons resident or physically present in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, the United States or any

Copperstone Resources AB is a base and precious metals exploration company that was founded in 2006 and is listed on Nasdaq First North Stockholm. 2021-04-09 · Gruvprospekteringsbolaget Copperstone Resources har uppdragit åt Arctic Securities att utreda förutsättningarna för att genomföra en riktad nyemission om cirka 80-100 miljoner kronor. Copperstone Resources är ett mineralprospekteringsbolag. Största delen av verksamheten utgår ifrån projekt som bedrivs inom Bergslagen. Bolagets långsiktiga strategiska vision är att skapa ett väletablerat mineralbolag genom investeringar i prospekteringsbranschen. Valberedningen i Copperstone Resources AB (publ) (“Bolaget”) föreslår att den extra bolagsstämman beslutar om följande: att justera 2020 års årsstämmas val av Jörgen Olsson till styrelsens ordförande på det sättet att Jörgen Olsson fram till årsstämman 2021 ska vara arbetande styrelseordförande; Copperstone Resources är ett mineralprospekteringsbolag.

The goal is to become a modern and responsibly producing mining company through … The Copperstone Resources AB (publ) PE ratio based on its reported earnings over the past 12 months is 0.101k.The shares are currently trading at SEK0.897..