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207 Freud, S. [1905a]: 'My views on the Part played by Sexuality in the Aetiology of the Neuroses', Collected Papers, volume 1. Freud, S. [l905b]: Three Essays on …

Currently, the local Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) determine coverage of gender reassignment surgery on a case-by-case basis. We received a complete, formal request to make a national coverage determination on surgical remedies for gender identity disorder (GID), now known as gender dysphoria. Numerous authors have discussed the possibility of a marketing science and have presented their visions to describe the characteristics of such a science. Blalock, H.M. (1960). Social Statistics.New York: McGraw-Hill. Quotations from the Italian transl. Statistica per la ricerca sociale.Bologna: 11 Mulino, 1970.


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AkademifOrlaget / Gumperts / Giiteborg Svmska Bokforlaget /P. A. Nordstedt & Soner/ Albert Bonnier / Stockholm . LISE ØSTERGAARD En psykologisk analyse af de formelle schizofrene tankeforstyrrelser MUNKSGAARD KØBENHAVN 1962 . 'I Denne afhandling er i tilslutning til … Akademiforlaget-Gumperts; London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1962. 95 pp.

Numerous authors have discussed the possibility of a marketing science and have presented their visions to describe the characteristics of such a science.

Hvad ar en tourist : brev och korrespondenser fran en utrikes resa / Carl Jonas Love Almqvist ; med inledning och kommentarer utgivna av Kurt Aspelin by Almqvist, Carl Jonas Love (1793-1866).

Royce, J. R., Mos, L. P. (1980). Psycho- Epistemological Profile manual. Edmonton, Canada: University of Alberta Press. Royce, J. R.  Oral Tradition].

Akademiforlaget. Göteborg, 1997. Harald Gettrup Author Biography Harald Gettrup N/A Published 1999-01-01 How to Cite Gettrup, H. (1999). Olof Eriksson

ed. / Lars Andersson; Sverker Oredsson. Akademiförlaget, 1995.

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Social Statistics.New York: McGraw-Hill.

Colonialism and Humanitarianism in British South and East Africa 1870-1895. Studia Historica Gothoburgensia VI. Goteborg, Akademiforlaget, 1966.
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I historiens spegel. ed. / Lars Andersson; Sverker Oredsson. Akademiförlaget, 1995. p. 7-96. Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding  

(Göteborg: Akademiförlaget-Gumperts, Scandinavian University Books, 1965. Pp. 166.

African tribes and European agencies : Colonialism and humanitarianism in British South and East Africa 1870-1895. -- Item Preview >

Optics and the eye. Goteborg: Akademiforlaget,. 1964.

Runsvenska. Halfr. Halv. Stórr. Stor. Öga . Auga  Microbiological examination of root canals and periapical tissues of human teeth.